Monday, October 17, 2016

Banana Muffinettes.

Banana Muffinettes

I call them muffinettes, because they are not cookies, nor are they muffins.
Soft and delicate. With no oil, sugar, or even grains!
As easy to make as ever, after all its a lazy girl recipe!
How does it get better than this!

1 cup roasted chana/futana
1 cup dessicated coconut-blend into a buttery consistency.
3-4 drops of vanilla extract
pinch of salt.
3 overripe bananas, mashed.

Blend all of the together.  DO NOT add water.
Let it remain for 15 minutes.
Then knead very lightly.

Preheat oven for 10 mins to 200 degrees.
Scoop spoonfuls of batter onto a clean flat steel plate.
 Lightly give shapes with the tip of your finger.
Decorate with some khuskhus seeds/sesame seeds.
Bake for 15 minutes, checking often.  Then bake at 100 degrees for 5 more minutes.

Serve with herbal tea!


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